Silvia Mendolia
Professore/Professoressa associato/a
- Dipartimento di Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche
- SSD: SECS-P/01 - economia politica
- Department of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
- Dipartimento di Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche
- Corso di studio in Direzione d'Impresa, Marketing e Strategia
- Corso di studio in Economia
- Corso di studio in Economia e Management
Curriculum vitae
Prodotti della ricerca
Tutti i miei prodotti della ricercaProdotti della ricerca selezionati
Selected Publications
- Mendolia, S. Walker, I. (2023) COVID-19 Vaccine hesitancy and marginalisation in the
society: evidence from British longitudinal data. Social Science and Medicine Volume 321, 115779 - Mendolia, S., Suciedelyte, A., Zhu, A. (2022) Have Girls Been Left Behind During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Gender Differences in Pandemic Effects on Children’s Mental Wellbeing. Economics Letters
- Johnston, D., Knott, R., Mendolia, S., Siminski, P (2021) Upside-Down Down Under: Effects of Cold Weather on Learning. Economics of Education Review 85, 102172.
- McNamee, P., Mendolia, S. Yerokhin, O. (2021) Social Media Extensive Use and Emotional and Behavioural Outcomes in Adolescence: Evidence from British Longitudinal Data. Economics and Human Biology 41(2021) 100992.
- Gorman, E., Harmon, C., Mendolia, S. Staneva, A., Walker, I. (2021) Adolescent School Bullying Victimization and Later Life Outcomes. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. doi: 10.1111/obes.12432.
- Mendolia, S., Stavrunova, O., Yerokhin, O. (2021) Determinants of the Community Mobility during the COVID-19 Epidemic: The Role of Government Regulations and Information.Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization.
- James, A., Mendolia, S., Paloyo, A. (2020) Income-Based Inequality of Adolescent Obesity in Australia. Economic Letters. DOI
- Mendolia, S. Paloyo, A., Walker, I. (2018) Heterogeneous effects of High School peers on educational outcomes. Oxford Economic Papers, 70 (3): 613-634.
- Contini, D., Di Tommaso, M., Mendolia, S. (2017). The Gender Gap in Mathematics Achievement: Evidence from Italian Data. Economics of Education Review, 58, 32-42.
- Mendolia, S., Walker, I. (2014) The effect of personality traits on subject choice and performance in high school: Evidence from an English cohort. Economics of Education Review, 43: 47-65.
- McNamee, P., Mendolia, S. (2014) The effect of chronic pain on life satisfaction: Evidence from Australian Data. Social Science and Medicine, 121: 65-73.
- Mendolia, S., Walker, I. (2014) The Effect of Non-Cognitive Traits on Health Behaviours in Adolescence.Health Economics, 23:1146-1158.
- Doiron, D., Mendolia, S. (2011) The Impact of Job Loss on Family Dissolution. Journal of Population Economics, 25: 367-398
A complete list of my working papers is available at:
- ECONOMETRICS LAB (a scelta fra: A - Modern economic history Prof. Paolo Di Martino; B - Public policy analysis Prof.ssa Ambra Poggi; C - Labour market, health and well-being: economic analysis using panel data Prof.ssa Silvia Mendolia; D- non offerto; E - non offerto; F - Economic Analysis of Crime Prof. Juan Vargas; G - Experimental Economics Prof.ssa Mariana Blanco) (SEM0119)
Corso di studio in Economia - ECONOMIA INDUSTRIALE E MANAGERIALE (MAN0464)
Corso di studio in Direzione d'Impresa, Marketing e Strategia - METODI STATISTICI PER MANAGERS (SEM0197)
Corso di studio in Economia e Management
Temi di ricerca
My main research interests are in empirical health and labour economics, with a strong interest on family well-being, education and mobility.
My research has a focus on the well-being of children and young people, and on the role of education and health in their lives.
My recent work investigates important topics such as: long term impact of bullying; impact of social media use on young people's mental health; changes in mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic; socio-economic mobility; education and labour market success for young people with disability; personality traits; health behaviours.
Gruppi di ricerca
Progetti di ricerca
- Genetic and labor market influences on health over the life cycle - PRIN PNRR 2022
- Tackling Inequalities in Educational Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Italian Primary Schools - PRIN 2022
- Heterogeneity and dynamics of the effect of birth order on children’s years of schooling in the developing world
- Education inequalities and gender gaps: evidence from Italian and British longitudinal data
Attività in agenda
- Commissione per la Ricerca - Dipartimento di Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche
- Consiglio - Dipartimento di Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche